I have learned SO MUCH as a certified Healing Diets & Fast Like a Girl Coach and I want to share all that I have learned with YOU so that you can look and feel your best. The advice for wellness online can be overwhelming and cost so much money. I am passionate about sharing FREE HEALTH hacks with the world that can revolutionise your health. It is better to educate than to medicate!
Holistic Healing is an unregulated sector, so although I abide by the Complementary Medical Association ethics, I also adhere to my own strict set of guidelines:
· First, Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)
Only use methods and natural medicines that would not harm a healthy person to take. Acknowledge and respect the individual’s healing process, using the least invasive or gentlest method possible to obtain the desired results.
· The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)
Work to restore and support the powerful and inherent healing ability of the body, mind and spirit and to prevent further disease from occurring. Identify and remove obstacles to recovery, facilitating the wonderful, innate healing ability.
· Identify and Treat the Cause (Tolle Causam)
Determine and treat the underlying cause rather than simply managing or suppressing symptoms. View symptoms as expressions of the body’s natural attempt to heal.
· Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)
Each person is unique and requires individualised care. Indeed, disease affects the entire person, not just a specific organ or system. Always consider physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and spiritual symptoms. Carefully evaluate nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, feelings, environmental stresses, and physical health.
· Treat with love (amore)
Release egoic and cultural confines and roles to treat only as a deeply connected human being, at one with the client and the universe.
· Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
Provide clients with an understanding of the factors that affect health and educate them to help them obtain balance for themselves.
· Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is the Best Medicine (Prevenere)
Health is more than just the absence of disease. Consequently, disease must be proactively prevented and optimum health promoted. Emphasise healthy daily habits, assess risk factors and hereditary susceptibility to disease and make appropriate interventions to prevent illness. Health entails daily functioning on the highest possible levels, and is obtained by proper nutrition, exercise, a balanced lifestyle, positive emotions, thoughts and actions.
The capacity for optimal wellness or an improved quality of life is inherent in everyone.
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