Your privacy is of paramount importance as we believe that data should not be the currency of the future.
Below we explain why we collect personal information about you, how it is used and when it may be disclosed. It also describes your rights in relation to your personal data. This notice may be updated from time to time and without prior notice to you, in order to be in line with our data protection practises.
All references to ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ is to Orange Blossom Healing as an organisation. Any reference to ‘You’ and ‘Your’ is to you as an individual user of our website.
Your Personal Information
We store information on file, including contact information and what is relevant and necessary for administering and providing your treatment, so that we can provide you with the best possible experience of using our services and so that you can receive the most appropriate care. This may include, but is not limited to: date of birth, medical history, family medical history and current health status.
Information Storage
We will store your personal information and clinical records in order to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. At any time you can request to have records amended.
Your Choices for How We Communicate With You
We respect your privacy and always want to make sure you are in control of what we do with your personal information.
After your consultation we will check at regular intervals to make sure you still want to receive communications on a regular basis from us. If you have given us consent for this, your email address will be stored on our secure password protected database.
Our data is never sold or passed on to anyone outside of Orange Blossom Healing.
You can unsubscribe from our service and update your personal information at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of emails you receive or by emailing
Data Sharing
Your clinical records would only ever be shared with other people with your permission, examples might be with other health professionals, and only with your request and consent.
Your Rights
At any point while Orange Blossom Healing is in possession of, or processing your personal data, you have the following rights:
-to a copy of the details we hold about you.
-to correct and update information about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.
-to erase your records from our database
-to transfer the data we hold about you to another organisation.
-to object to certain types of processing, such as emails.
Your Right to Make a Complaint
If you would like to make a complaint about how your personal information is being dealt with by the us you have the right to complain to us, and we will give you a complaint form. If you do not get a response within 30 days, you can complain to the ICO.
The details for each of these contacts are:
Tel: 07861361862 or email:
Information Commissioners Office: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wimslow SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113, online:
Our Confidentiality Policy
Confidentiality is very important to us, as our clients have trusted us to provide their care and we take this responsibility very seriously. We are committed to:
-Patient records being stored securely when not in use.
-Patient information only being viewed when needed, and not unnecessarily.
-All information pertaining to clients being kept confidential.
-Never disclosing information to relatives or friends of patients without permission from the patient.
This Policy applies to use of any and all data collected in relation to your use of this Site.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and ensure that you understand it.
Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy is deemed to occur upon the first use of this site.
If you do not accept and agree with this Privacy Policy, you must stop using this site immediately.
If you have any queries or would like further information about our privacy practices please contact us via the website or at